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November 7, 2011 |

Symform Integrates Cloud Storage Services with ConnectWise

The integration enables ConnectWise users to set up Symform services as a suite of product types within ConnectWise and establish pricing for those products.

Just in time for this week’s ConnectWise IT Nation event in Orlando, Fla., cloud storage provider Symform and ConnectWise, maker of the business management solution for IT service providers, have completed integration of Symform’s cloud storage solution with the ConnectWise platform. The partnership offers an unlimited cloud storage option to ConnectWise users.

The Symform technology provides what the company calls “fast, reliable, and secure” cloud storage with flat-fee pricing “that offers great margins for partners.” With the Symform Integration Connector for ConnectWise, partners can set up Symform services as a suite of product types within ConnectWise and establish pricing for those products.

The integration includes server licenses for backing up Windows Servers to the Symform Storage Cloud; user licenses for backing up end-user data on desktops/laptops to the Symform Storage Cloud; Symform’s Business Continuity Bundle for Windows Server, SBS, and Workstation, including a StorageCraft license for image-based local backups; and cloud storage capacity used on behalf of the customer.

Invoicing for new and existing agreements will be streamlined, and customer information will be automatically synchronized. Service tickets can be automatically created in ConnectWise based on alerts generated within Symform, so technicians can follow their normal service ticket handling process to address Symform-related issues.

“ConnectWise partners who are serving customers with large volumes of data to protect will find that Symform makes it affordable to store many, many terabytes in the cloud, and this integration makes it easier to deploy and manage,” says Praerit Garg, president and co-founder of Symform. “Symform is the only company delivering the benefits of cloud storage (backup, anywhere access, files sharing) for a low flat fee—a stark contrast to other providers who charge per gigabyte on top of hidden fees for bandwidth, seeding, and recovering data.”

“Cloud-based storage and disaster recovery are critical services that ConnectWise partners are providing today, so we are pleased to add Symform to our expanding roster of integration partners,” says Jeannine Edwards, Director, ConnectWise Community. “The flexible integration of on-demand resources with ConnectWise enables partners to lower upfront costs, provision services with ease, and realize long term recurring revenue streams.”

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