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NIST 2.0: Key Cybersecurity Changes Every MSP Must Prepare For

July 25, 2024 |

This updated version of NIST provides a major focus on governance and supply chain risk.

MSP vs. CMMC: The 2024 Cybersecurity Compliance Battle Begins

January 19, 2024 |

The Department of Defense is introducing a new level of scrutiny for MSPs, MSSPs, and security tool vendors in the battle against cybersecurity threats. Here are some things you need to keep in mind.

What the New National Cybersecurity Strategy Means to MSPs

July 12, 2023 |

Potential liability, financial penalties, and your ability to get insurance are reasons why MSPs need to pay attention as the new cybersecurity strategy moves through the political process.

UK Government Warns That MSPs Are an Attack Surface

January 16, 2023 |

Use the NCSC-UK warning about working with MSPs as a roadmap to securing your services and contractually protecting your clients.

Is this MSP Lying or Just Not Paying Attention?

January 4, 2023 |

If you make promises in marketing—but don’t validate that your team is delivering—you are lying to yourself and risking legal jeopardy.

Are You Gambling Everything With Your Cybersecurity Strategy?

June 20, 2022 |

NOTE TO MSPs – Business owners and executives often resist making the cybersecurity investments they should, and channel pros often struggle to explain why they need to spend the money on the right amount of cybersecurity to protect their reputations and finances. Here’s a proven way to make the case to your customer for investing in security. Use this article to get both current customers and prospects to understand their risks.

Use New International Warning about MSPs for Competitive Advantage

May 12, 2022 |

Incorporate the 12 security action steps issued jointly by five countries in your marketing, proposals, and service offerings.

MSPs Must Comply with CMMC

December 6, 2021 |

Now that new guidance from the DoD makes that clear, will MSPs run and hide, or achieve compliance to earn bigger profits?

DoD Announces Major CMMC Changes

November 5, 2021 |

CMMC 2.0 reduces the levels within the program from five to three, but there is still a big opportunity for MSPs.

CMMC Growing Pains … or More?

August 5, 2021 |

Helping SMBs implement NIST 800-171’s 110 cybersecurity controls can be very profitable now; whatever comes of CMMC will also provide opportunities.

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