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News & Articles

December 3, 2014 |

ConnectWise Releases Latest Version of Its Business Management Platform

ConnectWise 2015.1 offers enhanced functionality, new products, and more third party integrations.

ConnectWise has released the latest version of its namesake business management platform designed for technology solutions providers – ConnectWise 2015.1. New features of the business management platform include:

  • An enhanced user interface, including a new top navigation bar and an updated left menu
  • Updated reporting dashboards that give partners fast access to the information they need
  • ConnectWise Central for quick access to critical materials and information within the application

“In order to help our partners continue to succeed and grow, we strive to be as innovative as possible when enhancing our products,” says April Taylor, senior product manager, ConnectWise. “Our attention will always be dedicated to listening to our partners’ business needs and delivering enhancements to our platform that correspond to what they need to be successful. This commitment is demonstrated through our new user interface, which is more intuitive and ‘brain friendly’ than ever before, and will take ConnectWise users to the next level.”

For more information on ConnectWise 2015.1, visit

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