Nvidia has launched a new model of the Titan, the GTX Titan Black graphics card. The Titan Black is equipped with a base GPU clock speed of 889 MHz, while it has a Boost 2.0 frequency of 980 MHz. The card also includes 6 GB of GDDR5 memory, accessed over a 384-bit wide memory interface, and a memory speed of 7.0 GHz. In addition, the card features the same full GK110B chip configuration found in the GTX 780Ti. The Titan Black supports up to four displays per card — two DVI, one HDMI, and one DisplayPort — for large-scale displays or multi-monitor configurations. Nvidia’s GTX TITAN BLACK graphics card is available now for $999. GTX TITAN Black GPU Engine Specifications:
- CUDA Cores: 2880
- Base Clock (MHz): 889
- Boost Clock (MHz): 980
- Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec): 213
GTX TITAN Black Memory Specifications:
- Memory Speed: 7.0 Gbps
- Standard Memory Configurations: 6144 MB
- Memory Interface: GDDR5
- Memory Interface Width: 384-bit
- Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec): 336