Intel Corporation introduced its first eight-core desktop processor at the PAX video gaming conference in Seattle, Wash this week. The Intel Core i7-5960X processor Extreme Edition, formerly code-named “Haswell-E,” is designed for enthusiasts, gamers, and content creators. Intel’s first client processor supports 16 computing threads, DDR4 memory, and the company’s all-new X99 Chipset.
“We’re thrilled to unveil the next phase in our ‘reinvention of the desktop’ we outlined earlier this year,” says Lisa Graff, vice president and general manager, Intel’s Desktop Client Platform Group. “This product family is aimed squarely at those enthusiasts, who push their systems further than anyone, and we’re offering the speed, cores, overclocking, and platform capabilities they have asked us for.”††
Three new SKUs will be available next week ranging from six to eight cores and from $389 to $999. Additional information on the Extreme Edition lineup is available here.