Asus has announced its plan to release two new motherboards next month. The new AM1M-A and AM1I-A motherboards support the latest AMD AM1-socketed SoC Athlon and Sempron series APUs. These APUs combine high processing power, Microsoft DirectX 11.1 graphics, and Fusion controller hubs in one small, efficient package.
The AM1M-A and AM1I-A motherboards, designed for desktops and home-theater PCs, feature several Asus technologies including:
- Asus 5X Protection safeguards sensitive components from short-circuits and electrical surges. It includes ASUS DIGI+ VRM (voltage-regulator module) to ensure power delivery to the processor, overcurrent protection to prevent short circuits damaging DRAM, electrostatic-discharge (ESD) guards, and high-quality solid-state capacitors.
- USB 3.0 Boost with UASP Mode accelerates the speed of USB 3.0 and intelligently optimizes transfer commands so that more data can be sent and received in shorter times.
- UEFI BIOS allows users to set up shortcuts and favorites for quick access to the options that are used most often. The motherboards also include AI Suite 3 software, an ASUS dashboard-style control panel that lets users fine-tune aspects of an AM1M-A- or AM1I-A-based system for the best balance between performance, stability, and efficiency.
The cost of the motherboards hasn’t been released, but they are expected to ship in early April.