CyberArk†(NASDAQ:†CYBR), the global leader in†privileged access security, has announced CyberArk Privileged Session Manager for Cloud. Through a transparent user experience, this new offering extends privileged access session isolation, monitoring, and control to the most common web applications, cloud, and social media platforms. As part of an integrated solution, Privileged Session Manager for Cloud also leverages industry-leading risk scoring capabilities to detect and alert on suspicious privilege-related activity.
Cloud administrators and privileged business users often have elevated rights to sensitive†cloud platforms†and web applications, yet this access is not always managed by the IT team. This allows users to operate outside of corporate security, potentially exposing the entire organization to unknown risks. An external attacker or malicious insider who is able to hijack these types of user credentials could shut down cloud environments, execute a total compromise of web applications or†DevOps†tool consoles, steal sensitive customer data or post inflammatory comments on social media.
“As organizations take advantage of the flexibility of hybrid cloud computing, the agility and speed offered by DevOps methodologies, and leading containerized platforms like Red Hat OpenShift, cross-environment security monitoring is important,” said Chris Morgan, director, Technical Marketing, Red Hat Cloud Platforms, Red Hat. “CyberArk Privileged Session Manager for Cloud enables administrators with web-based cloud and DevOps tool consoles to manage and administer these dynamic and powerful environments while providing security teams with more control and monitoring capabilities to help reduce risk.”
Innovative†CyberArk Privileged Session Manager for Cloud†capabilities are based on technology acquired from Vaultive. Part of the CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution, key features include:
- Support for major cloud platforms and web applications:†The new offering will initially support major cloud (IaaS and PaaS) platforms, SaaS applications and social media including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Red Hat OpenShift, and leading social media applications – Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
- Transparent access and faster connections:†A completely transparent user logon establishes secure connections to cloud platforms and web applications 3X faster than traditional session management solutions.
- Isolated privileged sessions in the cloud:†Privileged business user and cloud administrator sessions are isolated, helping to ensure that†privileged credentials†are never revealed and are only used to establish secure sessions.
- Privileged session monitoring:†Organizations can conduct detailed audits of all privileged user activities within cloud platforms and web applications, speeding digital forensics and security investigations as well as providing support for†compliance†and multiple industry regulations.
- Privileged session risk scoring:†Comprehensive†risk scoring†on privileged sessions provides visibility into risky operations performed by individual privileged users, enabling organizations to detect and alert on high-risk activity, as well as streamline and prioritize audit review cycle times based on risk. This capability is enabled through a combination of powerful statistical, deterministic algorithms, machine learning, and behavioral analytics.
“With the rapid adoption of cloud-based resources, it’s no longer enough to control privileged access to just on-premises resources,” said Garrett Bekker, principal security analyst, 451 Research. “However, most organizations are dealing with many separate security tools, most of which have their own administration consoles. With the integration of Vaultive, CyberArk can provide customers with the ability to manage privileged access to both cloud and on-prem resources with a single unified view.†This improves the overall experience by letting users feel as though they are operating in an app’s native environment, in the process helping to limit ‘console fatigue.'”
“This launch demonstrates CyberArk’s ability to quickly integrate Vaultive technology and rapidly deliver value to customers. CyberArk Privileged Session Manager for Cloud supports customers’ digital transformation initiatives and migration to the cloud, which are impacting both business and mission-critical applications,” said Ben Matzkel, Vaultive founder and CTO, and currently R&D group manager, CyberArk. “To support customers’ defense in depth strategies, it’s vitally important to balance easy access to cloud platforms and web applications with policy-driven access controls, security workflows, and a consistent strategy across on-premises and cloud environments.”