Velocity Micro, a builder of enthusiast desktops, laptops, and peripherals, has announced the general availability of gaming/enthusiast and workstation PCs featuring 6th Generation Intel Core processors. Handmade in the USA, desktops using Asus Z170 chipset motherboards start at $1,479.
“This is a huge step forward for gamers, media creators, CAD designers, and even standard home office users,” says Randy Copeland, president and CEO of Velocity Micro. “We’re excited to offer next-gen enthusiast desktop Intel Core Processors as a part of our ongoing pursuit to create award winning, ultra-performance desktop PCs.”
When premium components and Windows 10, 6th Generation Intel Core enthusiast desktop processors are designed for both consumer and business use. A few options powered by these new Intel processors include:
- Raptor Z55 – Features unlocked Intel Core i5-6600K and Intel Core i7-6700K desktop processors, starting at $1,479.
- ProMagix HD60 – Features unlocked Intel Core i5-6600K and Intel Core i7-6700K desktop processors, starting around $1,500.
To custom configure a desktop featuring a 6th Generation Intel Core enthusiast desktop processor with Windows 10, visit or call 888-300-4450.