SMB Nation’s Office 365 and Windows 10 Road Show hits the West Coast this week, stopping in Los Angeles on May 31 and San Francisco on June 2. The independent, educational workshop tour is stopping in nine major cities this year, offering pure Office 365 and Windows 10 content, hands-on training, plus peer sharing and professional networking.†††††††††††††††††††
Topics and West Coast presenters for the full-day workshops include Grant Thompson, founding partner of MG Technology Group, a leading cloud services company, who is presenting: “Office 365 and Azure Active Directory,” “Deliver Existing Apps from the Cloud,” “Is Office 365 Truly Secure?”, and “Windows 10 End-to-End Deployment.”
“Reselling O365: Be a Great CSP or Choose a Great CSP,” is being presented by Scott Paul, strategic account executive – Microsoft, a veteran AppRiver professional who has managed sales operations and strategic accounts for the past five years.
Terry Park, SMB product manager with Trend Micro who manages SMB cloud and mobile security solutions, delivers the session on “CloudApp Security for Office 365.”
Chris Tietz, one of the leaders of SkyKick’s support and engagement team, and Aldrin Pastores, a member of SkyKick’s technical account management team, are presenting “Grow Your Cloud Business with SkyKick Migration and Backup.”
Chase Brown, Trend Micro MSP channel manager, is speaking on “The SMB Security Dilemma.”
And Jay Hastings, Microsoft sales service rep for Synnex, is giving the session on†”Synnex CSP Program and Cloud Offerings.”
SMB Nation is a publishing and events company, targeted at the small and medium business (SMB) channel partner/reseller/consulting/VAR community. For more information visit SMB Nation.