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April 13, 2016 |

Tech Data and ConnectWise Simplify Buying Experience for Solution Providers through CloudConsole Integration

The ConnectWise CloudConsole cloud service management, monitoring, and billing tool is now available through the Tech Data Cloud business unit.

Tech Data Corporation has entered into an agreement with ConnectWise to distribute CloudConsole to resellers in the United States through the company’s Tech Data Cloud business unit. The announcement was made in conjunction with Tech Data’s TechSelect Spring Partner Conference, taking place this week at the Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson, Ariz.

CloudConsole is a cloud service management, monitoring, and billing tool for Microsoft Office 365,†built to save time and reduce complexity for solution providers in supporting their clients’ cloud-based Office 365 licenses. The tool was developed to address inefficiencies in the management and billing of cloud services for solution providers as they move their clients from on-premise systems to the cloud. Through Tech Data’s integration with ConnectWise, solution providers can purchase Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions directly from the Tech Data Cloud Solutions Store within CloudConsole.

“Tech Data Cloud is focused on simplifying the cloud for our solution providers, and our integration with ConnectWise CloudConsole is an innovative way to help accelerate their †journeys to becoming CSPs [cloud solution providers],” says Stacy Nethercoat, vice president, Tech Data Cloud, Americas at Tech Data. “Within CloudConsole, solution providers are able to purchase Microsoft Office 365 licenses from Tech Data at the touch of a button, and then manage and bill all of their users through a unified dashboard.”

“We are excited to partner with the Tech Data Cloud team as they help us add value to CloudConsole by enabling purchases through the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program. Solution providers and MSPs purchasing CloudConsole through Tech Data have access to an effective one-stop shop for education, training, and a host of other complementary solutions from their portfolio,” says Gavin Gamber, vice president, Channel Sales and Alliances at ConnectWise. ††††

CloudConsole is available inside the ConnectWise business management platform, which is available for purchase through Tech Data Cloud. To learn more, call (800) 237-8931 ext. 87663, email, or visit †

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