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February 23, 2016 |

CompTIA Reshuffles Member Advisory Councils

The new structure is designed to align more closely with key segments of the IT market.

IT industry trade association CompTIA, of Downers Grove, Illinois, has restructured its member advisory councils to better align with key sectors of the technology marketplace.

Joining the existing Partner Advisory Council and Vendor Advisory Council are a new Distributor Advisory Council and End User Commission. The latter group will provide input from people outside the technology industry who manage or participate in purchasing IT solutions.

As part of the restructuring, CompTIA has also shut down its Telecom Advisory Council, and reassigned its members to other advisory boards.

“Realigning our advisory councils to reflect the four primary segments of the IT channel—distributors, partners, vendors and end-users—will help keep the councils focused and empowered to develop and execute upon projects and initiatives that are of key importance to the market segments they represent,” said Annette Taber, CompTIA’s vice president of industry strategies, in a press statement.

In all, over 80 people will serve in the four advisory groups. Membership is by invitation only and limited to experienced industry leaders with deep, first-hand knowledge of IT trends, issues, and opportunities.

Also announced today is a new charter for the advisory councils, which are now tasked with offering insights and guidance on three core topics: Promoting the business relevance of IT, bridging the gap between business and technology, and sharing best practices around how to build a successful hybrid cloud practice.

“Our advisory councils work on behalf of the industry to identify and address key inflection points including cloud computing, managed services, program best practices and business model transformation,” said Taber in today’s press release. “Collectively these councils provide CompTIA with further external validation that our educational initiatives are in alignment with the needs of our members, and the broader IT industry as a whole.”

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