BitTitan has announced that all migrations to Microsoft SharePoint Online are now free for its partners as part of the company’s end-to-end cloud service enablement platform MSPComplete. By providing complimentary migrations to SharePoint Online via MigrationWiz, the company aims to empower its partners to augment profits with additional Office 365 deployments and more project workloads, qualifying companies for Microsoft funds and more revenue from every migration.
“With MigrationWiz, partners can move from a variety of sources – be it Box, OneDrive, Dropbox, Google docs, File Server, or older versions of SharePoint – to SharePoint Online, circumventing the traditional upgrade time, keeping existing file hierarchies and permissions intact,” says Jenn Martin, vice president of global sales at BitTitan.
MigrationWiz is designed to automate the entire process of moving document libraries and permissions, from one source to another, enabling partners and companies to use a single application to automate both email and SharePoint migrations to the cloud.
“With the right tools, SharePoint migrations are an easy way for partners to differentiate Office 365 offerings and broaden their portfolio without all the heavy lifting,” adds Martin.
Free migration to SharePoint Online is available exclusively to BitTitan partners through MSPComplete. To learn more about the BitTitan partner program, visit