Downers Grove, Ill.-based CompTIA, the non-profit trade association for the IT industry, has introduced a new mentoring program for women of all ages who are currently in or aspire to pursue careers in IT.
The mentoring program is the brainchild of the CompTIA Advancing Women in IT Community, which serves as an information resource for women in IT. The mentoring program reinforces the group’s commitment to empowering women with the knowledge and skills necessary to help in their pursuit of successful IT careers, as well as inspiring other women to join the IT industry.
“CompTIA is thrilled to offer a mentoring platform to women interested in starting or growing a career in IT,” said Nancy Hammervik, senior vice president, industry relations, CompTIA. “We have a strong network of successful women who can offer advice, guidance, and support. It’s important to have someone in your corner, cheering you on and challenging you to break down barriers and surpass your own expectations.”
From the CompTIA Advancing Women in IT webpage, visitors can learn about careers in the IT industry; take advantage of educational resources, including certification information; and either volunteer to become a mentor or request to have a mentor. Based on information submitted via the online application, CompTIA will link programs applicants with an experienced IT professional.
The CompTIA Advancing Women in IT Community has also launched a†new video highlighting the benefits of an IT career for women of all ages and backgrounds. The video conveys the message that the IT field is somewhere they can succeed, whether they’re in the midst of a career transition or looking to start a new career.