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January 28, 2010 |

Teneros Launches Hosted Disaster Recovery Service

Dubbed DR-as-a-Service, it’s a hosted solution for network and communications applications, such as Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry, Active Directory, and DNS.

Teneros Launches Hosted Disaster Recovery Service

Dubbed DR-as-a-Service, it’s a hosted solution for network and communications applications, such as Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry, Active Directory, and DNS.

From natural disasters to simple human error, messaging outages are a constant threat, and can wreak financial havoc on businesses. To address this issue, Teneros Inc. a messaging solutions provider has launched a new disaster recovery offering. DR-as-a-Service is a hosted solution for critical network and communications applications, such as Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry, Active Directory, and DNS.

Teneros believes its new DR-as-a-Service offers significant advantages for businesses seeking to ensure comprehensive, rapid, and seamless recovery from site-level failures and outages. In a press release to EH Publishing, Teneros says its DR-as-a-Service provides SMBs with “a global disaster recovery solution that requires no upfront capital expenditure.”

The new hosted service leverages Teneros Instant-On failover recovery and replication technologies that underpin the company’s existing high availability (HA) and disaster recovery solutions for e-mail and unified communications. DR-as-a-Service offers the expanded capability of addressing businesses’ holistic IT infrastructure and DR planning requirements.

Increasingly, says Teneros, businesses are deploying and managing an array of diverse applications and services in support of mission critical activities. DR-as-a-Service addresses this complexity, its maker says, and “allows businesses to prioritize disaster recovery initiatives based on the value and priority of content delivered by the applications.”

Teneros says its new service provides application-aware DR across three components of enterprise DR planning: network, communication, and information.

In addition to eliminating the need for costly datacenter and hardware deployment, DR-as-a-Service aims to mitigate the ongoing operational costs of managing a DR solution for a business’ complete IT infrastructure. Conventionally, SMBs have lacked the budget and technical expertise to justify the cost of a DR solution to be used for emergency restoration. DR-as-a-Service seeks to lower the ongoing operational cost of ownership of a complete DR solution by eliminating the need for dedicated in-house clustering expertise. Teneros 24/7 monitoring ensures adequate bandwidth allocation and software management, including updates, patches, and compliance enforcement.

Recognizing that e-mail is now the most widely utilized communication medium in the business world,†Ben Petro, president and CEO of Teneros says his company’s DR-as-a-Service “is the first complete disaster recovery solution that not only protects the sophisticated corporate IT infrastructure, but also provides an affordable solution for mission critical SMB applications.”<-->

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