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August 19, 2015 |

Beantown Welcomes ASCII Success Summit

The ASCII Group brings its year-long, multicity educational and networking tour to the Boston area.

The ASCII Group‘s 2015 IT SMB Success Summit Series is being held August 19 and 20 at the Westin Waltham in Waltham, Mass., the sixth stop in the year-long tour. The Success Summit provides an opportunity for attendees to obtain education, hear industry presentations, browse the vendor solutions pavilion, attend an ASCII member meeting, and network with peers.

The pre-day activities on Wednesday include lunch and business card exchange. Following is Ted Roller, a partner in GetChanneled, a “virtual channel chief” consultancy, who will detail 2015 IT industry outlook and trends.

Vendor-sponsored sessions on Wednesday cover topics such as business continuity, cloud computing, simplified business management, marketing, compliance and managed services, and using IT assessments to grow business. The day ends with a welcome reception followed by an ASCII member meeting.

The main day event kicks off with a networking breakfast and peer card exchange. Guest speaker and ASCII member C.J. Ezell, founder and CEO of PointClear Networks, a healthcare systems integrator and managed services provider based in Fairhope, Ala., is speaking with attendees about “Adding Dental Integration to Your Managed Services Practice.” His talk is followed by an introduction of ASCII Community Ambassadors.

APC by Schneider Electric is providing an update on its partner program, followed by a presentation on Executive MSP Market Summaries. After the morning break, Datto will provide updates on its channel program. And in the ASCII Community—Building Business Together session, attendees will hear how the next wave of services will be further built leveraging the ASCII community and helping take IT providers’ businesses forward.

ASCII member Charles Tholen, president and CTO, Cognoscape LLC, is presenting “Successfully Winning in The Legal Market With Managed Services.” And ASCII member, Eugene Tawiah, a certified Ethical Hacker, is speaking about “Proven Triggers to Help SMB Customers Focus on Cybersecurity.”

The special guest speaker is Joe Navarro, best-selling author and former FBI counterintelligence officer recognized as the leading expert on nonverbal behavior. In his presentation, “Sales and Speed Reading—Renowned FBI Analyst Tells All,” he explains how to “speed-read” people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. He will also explain how your body language can influence prospects, clients, and personal acquaintances and what strangers think of you.

Vendor presentation topics include: business continuity, being a perpetually valuable MSP, white-labeling cloud strategies, disaster recovery, mobile opportunities, and more.

Attendees also have the opportunity to browse the solutions pavilion, meet ASCII staff, and vote on vendor awards.

The day ends with a closing awards ceremony and giveaways, followed by an ASCII member meeting.

The Summit Series is designed for qualified industry IT professionals and managed service providers, and is targeted toward those who are looking to increase revenue and enhance their current business model. ASCII members receive free admission to the event.

The ASCII Group is a membership-based community of independent MSPs, VARs and solution providers. Next stop on this year’s eight-city tour is September 16 and 17 in Washington, D.C.

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