Cybersecurity experts from leading organizations across the information technology (IT) industry and its community of managed services providers (MSPs) have been selected to serve on the inaugural MSP Champions Council of the CompTIA Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO). The announcement was made today by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the IT industry and workforce.
“The CompTIA ISAO is the only cybersecurity information sharing and analysis organization built to address the unique needs and requirements of MSPs, managed security services providers, technology solution providers, vendors, distributors and consultants who are the SMB backbone of the global economy,” said MJ Shoer, senior vice president and executive director of the CompTIA ISAO.
The 15 members of the MSP Champions Council provide expertise, insight and thought leadership to guide the CompTIA ISAO as it works to help MSPs improve their cybersecurity resilience and that of their customers. This effort is a critical part of the CompTIA ISAO’s broader mission of advancing cybersecurity resiliency throughout the technology industry.
Members of the MSP Champions Council include Ian Andriechack, cyber operations, and Jonathan Braley, operations manager, IT-ISAC, Manassas, Va.; Ken Bagnall, CEO, Silent Push, Inc., Reston, Va.; John Barnette, CEO, Optimal Defense Solutions, LLC, Ewa Beach, Hawaii; Mark Clift, vice president of information systems, US itek, Inc., Tonawanda, N.Y.; Matthew Humphries, managing partner, Allied Technology Group, LLC, Little Rock, Ark.; and Chris Infante, director of engineering, Forward Edge, Sharonville, Ohio.
Also, Corey Kirkendoll, president and CEO, 5K Technical Services, Plano, Texas; Helder Machado, CEO and CISO, Machado Consulting, Worcester, Mass.; Rick Monnig, founder, TechSolutions, Inc., Wilmington, Del.; Bob Paradise, president, Attain Technology, Warwick, R.I.; Joshua Peskay, vCIO, cybersecurity, RoundTable Technology, Lewiston, Maine; Scott Robinson, director of channel sales and alliances, TruSTAR, San Mateo, Calif.; Kyle Spooner, director of client technical services, IntelliComp Technologies, Baltimore, Md.; and Vince Tinnirello, managing director, Anchor Network Solutions, Inc., Lone Tree, Colo.
“As with all CompTIA membership activities, the CompTIA ISAO is member led,” Shoer said. “We thank our MSP Champions Council members for volunteering their time and expertise for a cause greater than their individual businesses – our industry and the economic and social prosperity that we help create together.”
Over the last 14 months the CompTIA ISAO has provided its more than 1,000 corporate members with more than 450 cybersecurity alerts on breaking threats and reports from analysts, members and other industry sources. Established in March 2020, the CompTIA ISAO, builds and expands on the foundation of the TSP-ISAO created by Arnie Bellini, a technology entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist, in conjunction with ConnectWise.
Membership in the CompTIA ISAO is open to organizations in the IT channel and MSP communities, including cloud services providers, managed service providers, managed security service providers, technology vendors, and businesses providing services to the tech industry, such as financial, legal, sales, marketing, business consulting, and training firms. Visit for more information.
About CompTIA
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a leading voice and advocate for the $5 trillion global information technology ecosystem; and the estimated 75 million industry and tech professionals who design, implement, manage, and safeguard the technology that powers the world’s economy. Through education, training, certifications, advocacy, philanthropy, and market research, CompTIA is the hub for advancing the tech industry and its workforce. Visit
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Steven Ostrowski
+1 630-678-8468