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August 7, 2020

5 Ideas to Network Virtually During a Pandemic

How are you Virtual Networking ?I truly hope this latest message finds you and your family well. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I am still in a surreal state of mind. My family and I are taking many precautions to stay vigilant and safe. We instill these same protocols for my IT business too.

While the virus is looming, I am doing all I can to ensure both of my businesses are booming! I asked myself, how will I still be able to connect with my clients and prospects now that we are all homebound?

My favorite and most effective form of networking was in-person, public speaking at in-person events. I love connecting with my target audience and delivering content on enhancing personal and corporate brands, that can be implemented right away. Thanks to Covid, I had to pivot and find my “new networking normal.” The answer: hit the virtual airwaves!

Always open to new ideas, I recently posed the question on my LinkedIn profile, “What has been your #1 Virtual Networking Strategy” to build your brand? To my delight, Dental Industry Consultant, Lisa Stepanian, from JR Berch Consulting commented, “I can help!” I met Lisa nearly 10 years ago when our children attended Elementary School together. We haven’t seen each other since our kids were in 3rd grade, they are now entering Junior Year in High School!

“Remote Site, Doesn’t Mean Out of Sight!”

Lisa is not new to the “remote workplace scene.” She has been running remote teams since the late 1990’s. I asked her what her secret to connection success was? Her reply, “remote site, doesn’t mean out of sight.” It’s critical to have empathy for all of the distractions and feelings of loneliness that comes with working from home or a remote office. Staying “connected” as a team and meeting new people is critical to team morale and mental well-being.

Here are several ways we virtually network to ensure our clients know that we are still viable and relevant. Our goal is to stay top-of-mind.

  1. LinkedIn – Consider this platform your Virtual Personal Brand. Capitalize on your opportunity to share current events, thoughtfully comment on relevant posts (just like Lisa Stepanian did for mine), and most importantly, leverage your network. Is your connection, linked to someone in your target audience? Ask for an introduction! Image Tip: To shine, be sure to update your profile with a professional head shot, a strong title and relevant and interesting “About” section. Be sure to write in the 1st person, not from the voice of your business.
  2. Zoom / Microsoft Teams / FaceTime, Hello! Don’t fret over in-person 1:1 coffee meetigns. For now, pick your favorite platform and start connecting! Set a goal each week to schedule a “check-in” or “get-to-know-you” meeting with your employees, clients and prospects. Your meetings will be fruitful! You’ll either gain new sales, new leads and at the very least a deeper relationship! Image Tip: Dress for the meeting! Clothing and grooming matter! Be sure to test your tech ahead of time to ensure your video is working and you are positioned in the center of the frame.
  3. Valuable Vendors! Leverage vendors for more than just the tools they offer! They also have a network of professionals for you to tap into! Example, in the past couple of months, I was a guest speaker for 2 tech vendors online events: IDAgent and Nextiva. Which vendors can you partner with?
  4. Webinar Wisdom – By now, many of us are getting a bit weary of webinars, however, they really are a great platform to demonstrate your knowledge, add value and a great forum to engage in conversation with your attendees. So be sure to build in at least 15 minutes of Q&A time to your program!
  5. Join a Facebook Group or Mastermind – I have found both forums quite valuable to building Shorr Success! You don’t have to be an island of one! Invite many to your virtual island and start sharing and asking for feedback! I actually created a brand-new online class thanks to a Mastermind group I am a member of! I would not have envisioned the idea if it were not for me being present at one of the meetings. What a profitable ah-ha moment!

Share with me:

  1. What has been your favorite method(s) of virtual networking?
  2. Want to book a 30-minute, 1:1 networking session with me? Click here! I’d love to connect!

Wishing you good health, strength and prosperity during this tricky time!

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